
Installation without Docker

Note: This installation guide was written for python3

Starting Virtual Environment

Create directory where you want to clone this rep and switch to it. Install virtualenv and start it:

pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

To deactivate simply type deactivate

Installing Dependences

Install required python3 packages by running following commands.

  1. modelgym:

    pip3 install git+
  2. jupyter:

    pip3 install jupyter
  3. LightGBM. Modelgym works with LightGBM version 2.0.4:

    pip3 install lightgbm==2.0.4
  4. XGBoost. Modelgym works with XGBoost version 0.6:

    git clone --recursive
    cd xgboost
    git checkout 14fba01b5ac42506741e702d3fde68344a82f9f0
    make -j
    cd python-package; python3 install
    cd ../../
    rm -rf xgboost

Verification If Model Gym Works Correctly

Clone repository:

git clone

Move to example and start jupyter-notebook:

cd modelgym/example

Open model_search.ipynb and run all cells. If there are no errors, everything is allright!

Model Gym With Docker

Getting Started

To run model gym inside Docker container you need to have installed Docker. Also for Mac or Windows you can install instead Kitematic.

Download this repo. All of the needed files are in the modelgym directory:

$ git clone
$ cd ./modelgym

Running Model Gym In A Container Using DockerHub Image

To run docker container with official image modelgym/jupyter:latest from DockerHub repo for using model gym via jupyter you simply run the command:

$ docker run -ti --rm  -v "$(pwd)":/src  -p 7777:8888 \
modelgym/jupyter:latest  bash --login -ci 'jupyter notebook'

If you are using Windows you need to run this instead:

$ docker run -ti --rm  -v %cd%:/src  -p 7777:8888 \
modelgym/jupyter:latest  bash --login -ci "jupyter notebook"

At first time it downloads container.

Verification If Model Gym Works Correctly

Firstly you should check inside container that /src is not empty.

To connect to jupyter host in browser check your Docker public ip:

$ docker-machine ip default

Usually the default ip is

When you start a notebook server with token authentication enabled (default), a token is generated to use for authentication. This token is logged to the terminal, so that you can copy it.

Go to http://<your published ip>:7777/ and paste auth token.

Open /example/model_search.ipynb and try to run all cells. If there are no errors, everything is allright.